====== Backtranslation ====== The backtranslation feature automatically selects codons to encode an amino acid sequence. * Gene Designer 2.0 uses a genetic algorithm to avoid getting stuck in suboptimal local minima. * Gene Designer 2.0 uses parameters that are stored in a backtranslation profile to guide its choice of codons. ===== Backtranslation Profiles ===== === Creating a backtranslation profile === Backtranslation profiles can be created and edited by selecting "Backtranslation Profiles" from the "Configure" pull-down menu at the top of the [[ui:Construct Editor]] * This will open a window giving you the option of adding, editing or removing a profile. * By storing backtranslation profiles you can use the same parameters for many constructs without having to re-enter the same data every time. {{:guide:backtranslation_profile1.jpg}} === Editing a backtranslation profile === All backtranslation profiles can be viewed and edited from the Configure: Backtranslation Profiles menu * The backtranslation profile for a construct can be viewed but not edited in the [[ui:Details View]] === Backtranslation parameters === * The backtranslation profile allows you to control: == The genetic algorithm == * Genetic algorithm parameters default to the values that DNA2.0 uses in-house. * If you want to modify them, feel free to play around, or contact DNA2.0 for help. == The codon bias table used == * Codon bias tables can be dragged in out of the [[ui:Codon Table Library]] in the [[ui:Library Explorer]] * A threshold value can also be set for codon selection, by selecting the "Edit Threshold" button. * Codons that appear in the codon table selected at a lower frequency than the threshold value set will not be included in the design * Threshold values are frequencies, and must be between 0 and 1. == Unwanted sequences that will be excluded from backtranslated sequences == Sequences to exclude from backtranslated sequences can be modified by selecting the "Edit Unwanted Sequences" button. * Unwanted sequences can easily be added from your [[guide: managed lists]] of restriction enzymes or motifs * Examples of sequences that can be excluded from backtranslated sequences include * restriction sites * sequence motifs * cryptic splice sites * ribosome binding sites * cryptic termination sites == Repeats == * The size of repeats that the software attempts to eliminate. {{:guide:backtranslation_profile2.jpg}} ===== Backtranslating a Construct ===== Backtranslation of a construct is done by selecting "Back Translate" from the Tools Menu. * You can select the construct to backtranslate. * You can select the ORFs within that construct to backtranslate. * If an ORF has manually fixed codons, you can choose to clear these codons. * You can select which backtranslation profile is used, by choosing either: * The profile that was used the last time you backtranslated this construct. * A profile taken from your profile manager. {{:guide:backtranslate.jpg}}