====== Cloning Tool ====== The //in silico// cloning tool allows you to computationally create restriction fragments and assemble them by ligation. * It is accessed from the "Tools" menu in the [[ui:Construct Editor]] ===== Creating Fragments ===== (link to screenshot 13) ==== Importing the fragment donor ==== Restriction fragments can be created by dragging * Any vector, construct, element or group of elements from the [[ui:library_explorer | Library]] * Any construct, sequence element or group of elements from the [[ui:navigation_pane | Navigation Pane]] * Any construct, sequence element or group of elements from the [[ui:workspace_pane | Workspace Pane]] into the Input Pane (label in screenshot 13) ==== "Cutting" the DNA ==== === Choosing restriction sites === DNA is digested //in silico// by choosing one or more restriction sites from the Sites Pane (label in screenshot 13) * Restriction sites can be selected from all possible sites by * typing in the beginning of the restriction enzyme name in the box at the top of the "search all" tab * clicking on the sites of interest * Restriction sites can be selected from one of your lists of [[guide: managed lists]] of sites by * selecting the "my sites" tab * selecting the list name from the pull down menu * clicking on the sites of interest * Once the sites of interest have been selected, click on the "choose" button at the bottom of the Sites Pane (label in screenshot 13) === Cutting a fragment === * Once one or more restriction sites have been chosen, the sites will be shown * marked as lines on the graphical map in the Input Pane (label in screenshot 13) * as site names and positions in the Digestion Pane (label in screenshot 13) * when the mouse hovers over a site on the map in the Input Pane, it is highlighted in the Digestion Pane, and //vice versa//. * A fragment can be cut by selecting the restriction sites that flank it, either by * clicking on the site in the graphical map, or * clicking on the site in the Digestion Pane * "Cutting" the DNA will cause a segment of DNA to drop out of the fragment donor * Any "cut" segments of DNA may be dragged from the Input Pane to the Ligation Pane (label in screenshot 13) for assembly into the final construct. ===== Ligating Fragments ===== (link to screenshot 13) === Fragment display === * "Cut" fragments of DNA that have been dragged from the Input Pane to the Ligation Pane (label in screenshot 13) are displayed * with their 5' and 3' overhangs shown * elements within the fragments can be seen by hovering the mouse over each element: the element will be highlighted in the [[ui:Navigation Pane]] * Each fragment becomes a single group, named after its construct and location of origin. * The fragment also retains all of its internal structure of groups and elements === Rearranging fragment order === * Fragments can be rearranged by dragging them up or down in the Ligation Pane * Prior to the ligation step, the right overhang of each fragment must match the left overhang of the following fragment. === Cloning === * Once the fragment overhangs all match each other, press the "Clone" button at the bottom of the Ligation Pane * The resultant construct can be dragged into the Design Toolbox or Vector Library in the [[ui:library_explorer | Library]], or as a new construct in the [[ui:navigation_pane | Navigation Pane]] of the [[ui:Construct Editor]]