====== Open Reading Frame Search ====== (link to screenshot 12) GeneDesigner permits you to search for open reading frames that exist within a construct. ===== Searching for open reading frames in a sequence ===== In [[ui:Sequence View]] select the "Find" panel (label in screenshot 12) * Select the "ORF" tab * Select the codons to use as start codons * Select the minimum ORF size to consider * Select the codons to use as stop codons * Click the "Find" button * Results are displayed in a hit list, which displays the position of each ORF found * Clicking on the ORF in the hit list * moves the display to the start codon and * highlights the ORF within the [[ui:Sequence View | local sequence window]] * Initiate a new search by clicking on the "clear" button === Restricting your search === * The default settings are to search for ORFs within every construct in the project * To search for ORFs in a single construct, or just a part of a construct, select the "Restrict Search" button (label in screenshot 12). * Selecting this button will restrict the search to constructs or elements that are highlighted in the [[ui:navigation_pane | Navigation Pane]]. === Viewing open reading frames in sequence view === * An overview of ORFs within a construct can be obtained in the [[ui:Sequence View | Global and Local Sequence Views]] by checking the "ORF Graphical Display" box (label in screenshot 12). * This graphical display can be exported as a part of a [[guide:create report | report]].