====== Gene Designer ====== Gene Designer from DNA2.0 Inc. is a tool for molecular biologists and synthetic biologists. This software enables the user to: * Design DNA sequences by assembling smaller functional elements. * Backtranslate amino acid sequences * using codon frequencies for your expression host * removing unwanted motifs (restriction sites, ribosome binding sites, splice sites etc) * adding convenient silent restriction sites * Perform computational cloning * Design oligonucleotides for sequencing, mutagenesis and PCR amplification and much more... ====== Installation Guide ====== * Gene designer requries Adobe Air runtime to run. Click [[https://get.adobe.com/air/|here]] to install that first if you do not have that already. * Download [[http://localhost:3000/eCommerce/genedesigner/download|Gene Designer]] installation file. This will require you to register and you'll get a special registration key to unlock the install. * Check your spam folder if you cannot find it in your inbox. * Trouble shooting steps * Uninstall adobe air from your system and then reinstall. * Uninstall Gene Designer and then reinstall. * Still need help? Contact support with your issue [[support@dna20.com]] ====== Step by Step Guides ====== * How to create * [[guide:create construct | a construct]] * [[guide:create oligonucleotides | oligonucleotides]] * [[guide:create report | reports]] describing sequences of elements and oligos and other construct features * How to * [[guide:backtranslate | backtranslate an amino acid sequence]] * use the in silico [[guide:cloning_tool | cloning tool ]] * How to edit * [[guide:edit | elements within a construct]] * [[ui:Details View | parameters associated with a construct]] * lists of [[guide: managed lists | restriction enzymes and motifs]] * How to search for * [[guide:REN search | restriction sites]] * [[guide:seq search | a DNA sequence or motif]] * [[guide:AA search | an amino acid sequence]] * [[guide:ORF search | open reading frames]] ====== User Interface ====== * [[ui:Library Explorer]] * [[ui:Design Toolbox]] * [[ui:Vectors]] * [[ui:Codon Table Library]] * [[ui:Construct Editor]] * [[ui:Icon View]] * [[ui:Sequence View]] * [[ui:Details View]] * [[ui:Reagents View]] ====== DNA2.0 Support ====== We are happy to help you with any design. For support call us at +1 650 853 8347 or email us at [[support@dna20.com]] ===== Gene Synthesis ===== [[https://www.dna20.com/index.php?pageID=17|DNA2.0 Custom Gene Synthesis]] You can order your genes directly from Gene Designer. For synthesis of your designed genes DNA2.0 offers great rates and rapid turnaround services. For details visit our website [[ https://www.dna20.com/| DNA20.com]]