Creating a Report

Oligo List

  • Selecting “Oligo List” from the “Reports” tab produces a text list of the oligos within the project. You can choose
    • Which constructs you include in creating the list
    • A general oligo nomenclature by combining
      • Oligo name
      • Construct name
      • Start position
      • End position
      • Direction


Text reports

(Not yet working in the beta version. Sequences can be obtained from the Backtranslation Summary in the Details View)

  • Text reports can be obtained to describe
    • The full DNA sequence of the entire construct
    • The DNA sequence of each element within the construct
      • Text sequences are displayed and saved in fasta format.

Graphical reports

(Not yet working in the beta version.)

  • Graphical reports are designed to display
    • the relative organization of sequence elements within the construct
    • the DNA sequence of the construct, with options to mark the following features of interest:
      • individual elements
      • amino acid sequences of amino acid elements
      • selected restriction sites and motifs
      • locations of open reading frames within the construct
      • locations of repeats within the construct
  • Graphical reports can either be saved as pdfs or jpeg images.

Tabulated reports

(Not yet working in the beta version.)

  • The locations of features within a construct can also be displayed in a table
    • individual elements
    • amino acid sequences of amino acid elements
    • selected restriction sites and motifs
    • locations of open reading frames within the construct
    • locations of repeats within the construct
guide/create_report.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/17 08:09 (external edit)
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