Managed Lists

GeneDesigner permits you to create lists of restriction sites or sequence motifs that you can use to search for within a sequence, or exclude from backtranslated sequences.

  • These lists can be created and edited from the Configure tab.

Restriction Site Lists

Restriction sites are managed by creating and editing lists of sites

Creating a list

  • Click the “Add List” button
    • This creates a list named “New List”
  • Click on a List to change its name

Editing a list

  • Sites can be added to a list by selecting
    • the list to be edited in the upper panel
    • one or more restriction sites in the lower panel
      • clicking the “Add to List” button
      • or dragging the sites from the lower panel into the middle panel
  • Sequences can be removed from a list by selecting
    • the list to be edited in the upper panel
    • one or more restriction sites in the middle panel
      • clicking the “Remove from List” button
      • or dragging the sites from the middle panel into the trash

Using a group

Restriction site groups can be used for

Motif List

The motif list is a convenient way of storing sequences to be used during backtranslation or sequence searches.

Adding a DNA motif

  • Click the “Add DNA motif” button
    • This creates a new sequence named “New DNA Sequence”
  • Enter the sequence
    • Use IUPAC standard bases to define degeneracies
    • Use {x,y} to permit flexibility within the definitions
      • For example ARGARGN{3,10}VTG = A[A/G]GA[A/G]G followed by between 3 and 10 bases then CTG, GTG or ATG

Adding an amino acid motif

  • Click the “Add AA motif” button
    • This creates a new sequence named “New AA Sequence”
  • Enter the sequence
    • Use standard 1 letter code
guide/managed_lists.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/17 08:09 (external edit)
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