Icon View

  • Within the Workspace Pane, each construct is represented as a linear arrangement of sequence element icons; one kind of icon for DNA elements and a second for amino acid elements.
    • The elements may be viewed as icons whose size is proportional to the sequence length, or as elements that are not scaled in this way (non-proportional)
      • It is possible to switch between the proportional and non-proportional views by selecting the toggle button at the bottom of the Construct Editor.


  • When the mouse is moved over an element in the Navigation Pane, the element is highlighted in the Workspace Pane and vice versa.

Manipulating Sequence Elements

  • Rearranging sequence elements alters the final sequence of the construct.
  • Elements may be moved within a construct by selecting the icon and dragging it to a new position.
    • Elements may be moved by dragging them to a different position within the Navigation Pane.
    • Elements may be moved by dragging them to a different position within the Workspace Pane. This requires that the “non-proportional” view is selected.
    • Elements may be dragged between the Navigation Pane and the Workspace Pane.
  • Elements may be moved from one construct to another within a project by dragging the icons, in the same way as they are moved within a construct.
    • Holding down the ctrl key while moving an an element creates a copy of the element and leaves the original copy in place.
      • This is true whether moving an element within or between constructs.
  • Elements may be moved from one project to another by copying (ctrl-C) and pasting (crl-V).
  • Elements may be combined in Groups.
ui/icon_view.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/17 08:09 (external edit)
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